Thursday, August 5, 2010

Day 33: August 5th, 2010

I think all I need is a pumpkin to complete the cornucopia that was formerly known as my kitchen! Today I went grocery shopping and pretty much bought out their entire produce department. I'm making up a huge batch of purees for Paige this weekend since most weeks I end up in the grocery store 2-3 times for produce.

Of course, as I cut into a peach, I find that it's completely moldy in the inside. Yeah, eww. I toss it and pick up an apple. Yep, same thing. Neither were moldy on the outside at all - they looked amazing. They could have been featured in magazines they looked so good. I can't wait to find out how much of the $60 in veggies I bought are actually edible! It feels like Christmas here.

I know, I know. More Exersaucer pictures. It's the only time I actually get to put her down so I can pick up my camera. :)

Wii remotes count as solids... right?
Time for bed!

 Paige LOVES being up on her dad's shoulders. She's such a little dare devil up there, always trying to bite his head, lean back to lay down, or pull up to stand!


alex said...

Laura, just came across your blog and love your pictures! Do you use a flash? Lightscoop? Diffuser? Just curious :)

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