Ahhhh! I am so sleep deprived! I feel like I'm undergoing some sort of sleep deprivation torture. I'm not sure what the problem is - hungry? unswaddled? wants her pacifier? 4 month wakeful? but I'm just exhausted. Paige has been going to bed like usual, around 7:30. Then she wakes up between 9:30-11 and wants to eat. She's actually completely asleep through all of this - so we change her and feed her and that's not a big deal since we're usually still up anyways. After this, she sleeps really well until 1 am. Then the fun starts! She's up at least every 30 minutes (but not really UP, because like I said she's asleep during all this) and wants to get fed 2-3 times until 5 am. Sometimes around 5 am she wakes up but usually she just eats then will quiet down and sleep til 7-8 am. So I'm not really sure what to think of all this! Does it count as sleeping through the night if she is technically asleep during it? :)
Anyways, Paige discovered today that she can play peek a boo through the bumper in her crib. The focus is so off in some of these - not sure what happened. Shaky hands!
Despite her crankiness at night, she has been in such a fun and cute mood all day. Giggling at everything! Being very vocal, etc. She's usually so quiet.
Paige loves playing airplane! |
Hang in there. She's so stinking CUTE!!
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