Monday, August 30, 2010

Day 56: August 29th, 2010

We thought we'd get a chance to relax & unwind from the past 2 days today but when we woke up, we realized we have a ton of stuff to do before our vacation next weekend! We got it all out of the way with early then spent the rest of the day playing with Paige and some much needed relaxation. :) I'm also very excited for my first doctor's appointment on Thursday! It's just with the nurse but it will get me all set up to get my 1st tri bloodwork done and schedule my first ultrasound so the sooner I get in there, the better.

Wearing Paige out before bed... so much fun!


Kala said...

awww love the last one!

Lauren said...

Yay for first doctor appointments and my favorite Paige in the world!

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