In other good news, she rolled over yesterday from belly to back for the first time! She did it about 5-6 times and I even got it on video for her daddy. She was so funny about it too. I heard her talking to herself after her nap so I went in to get her. I usually talk to her and make her giggle while she lays on her tummy for a few minutes before getting her out of the crib after naps. I figure she could use the tummy time. ;) Today while I was talking to her, she just rolled over like she's been doing it forever. Maybe she has at night and I just don't know it...!
I let my camera battery die so I don't really have anything too exciting, just our every day stuff. Can I just say how much I love that little curl her hair is forming right behind her ear?
I swear Laura, she's so pretty..and I know I don't always come over to comment but your pictures are just so pretty and bright. Love them.
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