Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Day 6: July 7th, 2010

I can't believe next week Paige will be 4 months old! People were always telling me that my baby will grow up so fast and obviously I knew it would happen, but almost 4 months later I just realized I don't have a newborn anymore... I feel like she's practically a toddler. I remember at Paige's 2 day appointment we ran into another couple. The girl asked me, "are you here for your 2 day appointment? We're here for our 2 month. It feels like just yesterday we were here at our 2 day". In my head I was like, yeah right. I won't feel like that because I'm going to spend all day every. single. day. enjoying every moment with my daughter and it's going to feel like forever. And now... I still haven't written my birth story. Or filled out Paige's baby book. I just sent out my birth announcements a couple weeks ago (oops!).

Anyways, today was an ordinary day. Paige has been having some nap issues in the crib so she was a little cranky.

Paige's new favorite toy - her toes! She's hilarious during diaper changes. She's always either grabbing her leg with both hands and pulling it up or sticking her hand in her diaper (which reminds me of a great story for another day).

Her lamb rattle. As you can see, everything goes straight into the mouth (there's a hint for the story I was just talking about).

I don't know why, but I just love this picture. Wish I got more of her head in the shot though. :(

And because we need a million more nomming pictures:

(Yeah I do realize the color is off in like every other picture. I only get about 10 minutes to edit pictures & post at night so I do what I can!)

Her sleepy face:

And finally, throwing a tantrum. She grabs onto whatever she can, buries & shakes her face in it, & SCREAMS. Unfortunately for her, it is sooo cute. She's so cuddly when she's upset.


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