Friday, November 26, 2010

November 25th, 2010

It's been way too long since I updated!

Paige is growing like crazy. She's 8 and a half months now and so much fun! Here's what she has been up to...
  • Crawling! She has been crawling since she was 6 months (now I feel terrible, it's been that long since I updated!).
  • Also since 6 months, pulling up and cruising on EVERYTHING. 
  • Can go up the stairs without help (although obviously I stand behind her just in case).
  • Can stand for long periods of time without assistance. She can even take a 3-4 steps on her own.
  • Her first tooth cut through last week. What a nightmare! The first night she didn't sleep at all. Poor girl. :(
  • Sometimes she sounds like she's trying to say "hi". She looks up at me and yells "HAAA!" and mimics me when I say it to her... but then again, she's becoming quite the babbler so who knows.
  • Refuses to eat purees anymore, which makes my life a lot easier. For Thanksgiving she ate steamed carrots, turkey (of course!), a croissant, mashed potatoes, and a bite of pickle. She definitely got the whole concept of pigging out at Thanksgiving because she ate almost as much as I did! haha. She'll eat anything now, she's not picky at all.
  • Getting so huge! She's well over 22 pounds (she hasn't been weighed since she was like 7 months). She wears 24 months in Gap clothes and 18 months in Carters. I'm going to have to shop in the toddler section soon!
So here's some pictures from Thanksgiving at her Nana's house (my MIL)

I love the crumbs on her face in this one!

In other baby related news, Paige finds out tomorrow if she's going to have a little brother or sister! We can't wait. :)


Lauren said...

I'm also guilty of not blogging, but can I just tell you, it is SO great to see Paige! She makes my whole day.

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