Paige is growing like crazy. She's 8 and a half months now and so much fun! Here's what she has been up to...
- Crawling! She has been crawling since she was 6 months (now I feel terrible, it's been that long since I updated!).
- Also since 6 months, pulling up and cruising on EVERYTHING.
- Can go up the stairs without help (although obviously I stand behind her just in case).
- Can stand for long periods of time without assistance. She can even take a 3-4 steps on her own.
- Her first tooth cut through last week. What a nightmare! The first night she didn't sleep at all. Poor girl. :(
- Sometimes she sounds like she's trying to say "hi". She looks up at me and yells "HAAA!" and mimics me when I say it to her... but then again, she's becoming quite the babbler so who knows.
- Refuses to eat purees anymore, which makes my life a lot easier. For Thanksgiving she ate steamed carrots, turkey (of course!), a croissant, mashed potatoes, and a bite of pickle. She definitely got the whole concept of pigging out at Thanksgiving because she ate almost as much as I did! haha. She'll eat anything now, she's not picky at all.
- Getting so huge! She's well over 22 pounds (she hasn't been weighed since she was like 7 months). She wears 24 months in Gap clothes and 18 months in Carters. I'm going to have to shop in the toddler section soon!
I love the crumbs on her face in this one! |