Friday, September 24, 2010

Day 80: September 22nd, 2010

I don't have a lot to say about today & I only have one picture. :(

So I figured even though this is Paige's blog... I'd fill out one of those pregnancy surveys just to have something to say.

How far along? 8 weeks.
Total weight gain: None... I hope! I'm too scared to get on the scale.
Maternity clothes? Not yet.
Sleep: I'm exhausted. Between night feedings, getting up to go to the bathroom, & just being a terrible sleeper in general, I'm definitely feeling the need for a nap in the afternoons! Housework is slipping for sure.
Best moment this week: Looking forward to my first ultrasound (October 22nd)!
Movement: Nope.
Gender: I'm guessing boy but... I guessed boy with Paige & I was wrong!
Labor Signs: Hopefully none!
Belly Button in or out? Very in.
What I miss: Not feeling sick. Just like with Paige, I can feel my morning sickness about to kick in. & not having the nose of a bloodhound!
What I am looking forward to: Hearing the heartbeat @ my first appointment.
Weekly Wisdom: Ha! I have none.
Milestones: Ummm... it's a stretch but how about over halfway through 1st tri?!


Lauren said...

Yuck! Here's hoping the morning sickness stays away.

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