Friday, September 24, 2010

Day 81: September 23rd, 2010

Another high chair picture... yawn. But Paige got to eat some pureed beef (yes it smells & looks as gross as it sounds. Just like cat food) & she L O V E D it. Couldn't get enough... she ate the whole jar & kept going "mmmmmmm!!!".

Out of focus eyes (I don't know WHAT I was doing here) but I love this one! lol
This one actually makes me feel a little nauseated since she's smiling with a mouthful of smelly food but I thought I'd include it anyways!

Day 80: September 22nd, 2010

I don't have a lot to say about today & I only have one picture. :(

So I figured even though this is Paige's blog... I'd fill out one of those pregnancy surveys just to have something to say.

How far along? 8 weeks.
Total weight gain: None... I hope! I'm too scared to get on the scale.
Maternity clothes? Not yet.
Sleep: I'm exhausted. Between night feedings, getting up to go to the bathroom, & just being a terrible sleeper in general, I'm definitely feeling the need for a nap in the afternoons! Housework is slipping for sure.
Best moment this week: Looking forward to my first ultrasound (October 22nd)!
Movement: Nope.
Gender: I'm guessing boy but... I guessed boy with Paige & I was wrong!
Labor Signs: Hopefully none!
Belly Button in or out? Very in.
What I miss: Not feeling sick. Just like with Paige, I can feel my morning sickness about to kick in. & not having the nose of a bloodhound!
What I am looking forward to: Hearing the heartbeat @ my first appointment.
Weekly Wisdom: Ha! I have none.
Milestones: Ummm... it's a stretch but how about over halfway through 1st tri?!

Day 79: September 21st, 2010

Today was a big day for Paige!

I joined a local mommy group so she could make some baby friends and I could hopefully meet some people that I have more in common with (none of my irl friends have babies). I was a lot little nervous about showing up at this girls house but I made myself do it anyways. Everyone was nice enough but I just don't think it's the right group for me. First of all, their babies are all around 18 months - which is great but Paige can't really "play" with them so we felt left out and they tend to be a little rough with her. Secondly - and I know I'm going to come across as a bitch here - the moms were a lot older than me. I'm definitely not a very young mom (I'm 25) but they all seemed a little put off by me being there. There were about 7 moms there and 3 of them didn't say a word to me and whenever I tried to talk to a couple of the others there, they would find an excuse to walk off right away. I had high hopes so I was disappointed but maybe I'll try again once Paige can walk.

So after a brief nap, we had Paige's 6 month appointment! Stop reading now if you don't want to hear me brag. She weighed in at 19 1/2 lbs and 27.5 inches tall (although they said she's probably about an inch taller but she refused to lay down without contorting & wiggling for them to accurately measure her). Still in the 95%+ percentile so she's a big girl! We discussed her recent milestones and the pedi said she has the size & motor abilities of a 9 month old... which I have my doubts about but it's always nice to hear your kid is advanced.

She had her shots :( but was a great sport. She only cried during the actual shot & for about 10 seconds after each one. Within about 30 seconds she was just sucking on her paci and smiling. It just breaks my heart when she cries like that... & she always looks up into my eyes & reaches for me. I guess these are the little ways you know your baby loves you. :)

So I had Paige sitting in her crib while I put away a little laundry - & I look over at her & she has practically pulled herself to a standing position! She's getting better & better at it everyday.

Day 78: September 20th, 2010

Paige is crazy about these little rice cakes called "Mum-Mums". She's already had 2 today so I made her pose for pictures with the 2nd round.

I love how her hair flips out behind her ears!!

Day 77: September 19th, 2010

Paige has been on the swing before but I don't think she really "got" it. Today she did! She had so much fun... unfortunately these are the best of the worst pictures I took. Need to figure out settings for more actiony type shots.

holy limb & head chopping!

Day 76: September 18th, 2010

I've gone way too long without updating... can I blame 1st tri exhaustion? :)

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Day 75: September 17th, 2010

My husband took off work today since he's traveling for work this weekend. :) Isn't he the sweetest? We took Paige for a little walk and it was her first time riding in the stroller without her infant carrier. She looooved it!! She spent half the ride sucking on the little bar/tray thing in front then the other half slapping it with her hands and babbling to the trees. I think she liked seeing our normal route from a different perspective. We wanted to push her in the swings at the park but when we got there, there was seriously a line for them! So we skipped it.

She looks so OLD in this one! Where did my little baby go?!

Hmmm, I think I need to figure out how to make the width of my blog wider.

Day 74: September 16th, 2010

Tonight Paige got 2 things - a new toy and a sippy cup with juice. Which do you think was her favorite? The toy quickly got discarded but she played with the sippy cup, rolling all over our bed with it, for about 10 minutes. It made for some cute pictures. :)

She was getting cranky to go to bed here so I could just totally see her being like, "Mom, STOP!"

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Day 73: September 15th, 2010

Ahhhh!!! I take back every negative thing I ever said about Paige sleeping!! Of course I'll go ahead & jinx it all but she's been a total angel for the past 3 nights. Only waking up once at 2:30 overnight then taking a couple two HOUR long naps during the day! She's been eating like a little piggy too so I'm wondering if it's her 6 month growth spurt... but whatever it is, I'll take it! I just hope it says.

Yesterday she took a 3 hour 15 minute nap... I wish I could take a nap that long! I LOVE her rosy cheeks when she wakes up:

Then it was time for her dinner. She & Nic have recently become BFFs. He's the only dog who has realized you should lay near the high chair at feeding times because inevitably Paige will drip food onto the floor or send the spoonful of food flying when she slaps it out of my hand with her "king kong arms" (more about that tomorrow... I'll try to get a video!). She's been totally fascinated by the dogs lately (especially Nic) and spends the whole time just staring at them. So Nic has been getting braver and braver and finally has started coming over and licking the high chair - which makes Paige reach out to pet him - which means he gets to lick her puree covered hands. It is the CUTEST thing! Oh but of course then Paige sticks her fingers full of dog slobber into her mouth!

At this point we had to buckle her in so we could actually feed her. The rest are all of her straining to see the dogs, lol

The dogs were all play-fighting over a toy and she had this "what are you guys doing?!" look on her face

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